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In my experience, improving your scores on standardized tests can be an absolute game changer--it can literally change the outcome--opening doors to elite universities that provide the best degrees, internships, and transfer programs, which in turn can substantially increase the student's starting out salary after graduation. Please follow the steps below to help determine if I will be the right fit for your test prep needs. 

Step 1:

Establish Your Baseline

ACT Diagnostic



The first step in the process is to complete one real, full-length test for each exam you are planning to get prepped in. There are a number of reasons for this:


1) it exposes you to the exam format, rules, and general content of the test (this allows us to get right to work when we meet);


2) it helps reveal what kind of test taker you are (Do you get anxious, second-guess yourself, or have trouble staying focused, skip questions that stump you or linger on them doggedly?--obtaining the answers to these questions will help us determine if you may have "easy" fixes or "more-challenging" fixes);


3) it gives us a baseline to work from (we will use this baseline to establish goals and estimate a length of prep necessary to reach those goals, as well as define the parameters of my guaranteed score increase);


4) it reveals the strengths and weaknesses in your content comprehension so that we know where to focus our efforts (this allows us to spend time efficiently, working on misconceptions and gaps rather than reviewing things already well-understood).



There are three ways to take the diagnostic:


           Option 1  If you are taking a digital SAT diagnostic, the best way to do so is by using Collegeboard's Bluebook app. You can find a link to the download here. Please complete Test 1 OR, if you have already completed a test in the Bluebook app, you can instead opt to use any one of these Bluebook tests as your diagnostic.


         Option 2  you can show me your previous official (SAT/ACT/PSAT/GRE/GMAT/LSAT) results displayed on the corresponding website.


         Option 3  you can take a self-proctored at-home diagnostic by printing out the test (left) and e-mailing or texting me a picture of your answer grid only. Please be sure to print out the whole test and take it in paper format. Use the proctoring instructions, found here, to help create the most authentic experience. This option is NOT recommended for digital SAT diagnostics. See option 1.


                   Note: you will not be able to use Option 3 for your higher score guarantee.

Step 2:

Set Up Your 30-minute




Once you've established your baseline, please e-mail me or call me to set up a time for us to meet (along with the student who will be getting the prep, if applicable). 


Meetings can be conducted in-person at a library, a local coffee shop, or even your own home. During this time, we will discuss the programs I offer, suggestions as to the length of program based on the diagnostic results and score goals, and fill out my 12-page prep plan that would form the basis for the prep, including when we'd get started, where we will meet, which test date to register for, my guarantee score increase, and more. Consultations can also be done over the phone. Please note: there will be a small fee of $50 for any IN-PERSON consultation and this amount will be deducted from the price of any tutoring program you ultimately sign up for, should you choose to do so.

Thanks! Message sent.

Step 3:

Register for the Program



Once we've put together our plan for the prep, the final step is to register via the website. Please fill out the entire form found here or by clicking on the Registration tab on the website's main menu. You can pay for the tutoring program by check or credit card. Once your form has been submitted and you receive your confirmation, the student's registration will be complete and he/she will be officially added to my student roster. Thank you for choosing me for your prep!


Please note: I have a built-in overload algorithm on my registration form. If you cannot register because the roster is full, please call to discuss availability in more detail. Thank you.

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